Master a healthy habit

“Repetition is the mother of skill.”
Tony Robbins


What actions you repeat over and over again, you shall master. It has been proven that it takes about 21 days to develop a habit regardless whether it is a good or bad one.  With constant dedication, chances are good that you will become skilled at whatever task you undertake.  With perseverance, when you set out to master a habit that is healthy, productive and positive, it is highly likely that success will be yours.  You can start with something big or you can start with something small. Just start today to add one thing to your life that is bound to make a difference in how you live it.  When you add just one healthier habit practiced and repeated over a period of days, then that one small positive change will have an incredibly profound impact for years to come. As you become skilled in whatever area you focus, your experience of the world will be better and better as you set a positive chain of events for yourself. So start with repeating a positive mantra over the next 21 days, get up earlier in the morning to add exercise, or learn to balance by choosing carefully your nos and yesses, just make the commitment to add something worthwhile each day and infuse that sentiment with a can do attitude.  When you keep reminding yourself that it may be difficult in the beginning, in short time it shall become second nature to you and you will embrace it even more.

Magical Key to Bliss: Start your 21 days today and develop a wonderful skill that is bound to multiply good in your life.


9 Comments on “Master a healthy habit”

  1. This is one of the most important things I did to turn my life around. Everyone has their own twist on it but basically I chose a few easily managed changes to add to my day in the form of a morning ritual. I implemented them all at once rather than adding a new one each day. It is one of the best decisions I have every made. At the end of the 21 days. your new routine is a habit. There is no performance anxiety and a great deal of joy in the accomplishment.


  2. thanks for this blog…strange on how the universe works…I went to bed bummed about my weight loss journey. I needed a sign or swift…but instead woke up to your blog on adding a new positive habit for 21 days…just the incentive I needed on a rather gloomy morning in my head….thanks….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the universe!!!! Always seems to work that way- I have been feeling very out of sorts with my journey into a healthier life- not able to figure out why and was inspired to write this – I always seem to benefit the most from what I write – you can get creative about what your 21 day ha it will be too! Thank you for your inspiration!


  3. Pingback: Balanced….yet again | Time No Matter

  4. Yes, yes, a positive focus to detail, can turn into a masterful skill of habit. That has been my mindset through life, and coming across your blog, has just reinforced it. We as creatures of habit, but we must assure those habits have a positive affect on our lifes. I Love this….thanks for the add motivation. It has centered my focus….


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